Welcome to Marc Joseph Nutrition. . .

Thanks for visiting. I'm Marc Joseph, a nutritionist with a Master of Science (MS) degree in Human Nutrition. I consult in-person with clients locally in the SF Bay Area and throughout the U.S. via phone and online video conference.

I develop nutrition and detoxification treatment programs for:

Individuals with complex and often unexplained chronic conditions, including:
Autism & ADD/ADHD Digestive Disorders
Chronic Fatigue & Fibromyalgia Allergies & Asthma
Short-term Memory Loss & Brain Fog Mercury Poisoning & Other Heavy Metal Toxicities
Individuals looking to slow aging and more effectively deal with chronic conditions, such as:
Arthritis High Blood Pressure Prostate Issues
Diabetes Menopause Skin Disorders
Heart Disease Osteoporosis Vision Problems
Individuals in good health proactively seeking to maintain it.

Get to the Root Causes of Your Health Issues

There's a lot of nutrition information out there:
 websites, social media, online discussion groups, books, magazines, newspapers, TV, and more.  Hardly a week goes by without us hearing or reading about the latest food, diet, or supplement that is (or is not) the secret to recovering or maintaining good health. 

The challenge is figuring out what's important and putting that information in context and an organized form, so that you can apply it to your own situation and get useful results. My goal is to empower you to do just that.

The truth is that most health conditions are caused by a variety of interconnecting factors, including genetics and especially environmental influences, such as diet, exercise, stress, and toxin exposure.  I can help you to identify underlying nutritional imbalances created by these factors and put together an organized treatment plan to address them, so that you can feel better and get the most out of life.

I look forward to helping you to
take control of your health.

Learn more about Marc's:




Free Initial Inquiry

We'd both like to find out whether I can help you with your health goals.  Why not call me at (510) 886-1795 so we can discuss that question for a few minutes.  There's no charge for that first call, and I'm sure it will help us both to decide whether we should be working together. 


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